About Anders Piniesjö

This is the homepage of Anders Piniesjö. These pages are mainly focused around my collection of old computers and videogames, but also contains some personal information.

For over 40 years I have been a dedicated computer nerd. I saw my first computer, a Luxor ABC 80, at the beginning of the 80:s and I was directly hooked. Since then I have had home computers such as Oric 1, Commodore 64, Amiga 500 and Macintosh LC and later on many Linux machines. On those computers I did all from programming to playing games. The programming part was important to me and has lead me to a career as professional software developer.

I am now happily married and proud father to two. This and our old house takes up most of my spare time. When I manage to find some time I like to travel, do hobby development projects, play chess, find new music and drink beer. I love to go to the Wave Gotik Treffen music festival in Leipzig and have been there more times than I can remember.

I currently work as a senior consultant in my own company, Anders Piniesjö AB. For more professional information, please see me on LinkedIn.

Welcome to my strange world of vintage machines!

Old computers and videogames

One of my strange interests is my collection of old vintage computers and video games. I hope you visit my collection pages to see some of the machines I care for and live with!

The main reason why I collect vintage machines is pure nostalgia. I grew up with those machines and wanted them all. When I became a university student i began to long for those old machines again and began to collect. Now I have enough for a museum and I can fiddle with whatever I like!

To the collection!